Member Account

  1. This is an account for all persons above the age of 18.
  2. The account earns distributable surplus every financial year.
  3. Account holders are eligible to borrow any type of loan in the self-help group.
  4. New members qualify for loans after saving consistently for at least 6 months after initial deposit.


  • A filled membership registration form.
  • Copy of national ID/passport.
  • Copy of KRA PIN certificate
  • Copy of next of kin national ID/passport.
  • Passport size photograph

Download, fill, attach requested documents and send via email to



We dynamically and innovatively promote the social economic welfare of our members by offering diverse and affordable financial services.

Passion to go the extra mile to delight our customers, build long term relationship and tailor products to meet their needs.

Fair business practices, accountability, transparency & fairness.

Technology, partnership.

Cooperate to achieve the purpose of the self-help group.

Honesty in dealings, safeguarding members interests and funds.

Service to all.


Would you like to speak to one of our staff over the phone? Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly. You can also email us if you would prefer.